
“Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

2 Corinthians 9:7

Christians should be cheerful givers! The ministry at SCC is dependent upon the giving of the church family and friends. There is a temptation to feel that our contribution doesn’t make much of a difference. But it does. Because we don’t want people to feel pressured into giving, we do not have a collection on a Sunday. Yet, we do believe that the Bible does encourage Christians to contribute towards gospel work at their local church and so we ask regulars to do so via EFT. For those who would prefer to give on a Sunday, we do provide a box at the tea table. If you would like more information on giving, please feel free to contact us.

Why Give?

It’s all His anyway

1 Chronicles 29:11 – 14

Everything belongs to God. He owns the universe and everything in it. What we have, no matter how we received it, is his. Therefore, to not give back what is God’s is, in effect, to rob him.

It’s the least we can do

2 Corinthians 8:9

God has been so generous. There is no one richer than the owner of the universe. There is no one poorer than a man stripped naked on a cross. “He who is rich became poor so that we through his poverty could become rich.” One moment we were on a rollercoaster to hell, now in Christ we are co-heirs with Jesus.

It gives God pleasure

2 Corinthians 9:7

Giving to the Kingdom of God puts a smile on the face of God. The Lord loves a cheerful giver!

It keeps our greed in check

Matthew 6:24

Generosity is the only way to deal with greed. Jesus said we can’t love both money and God. He will not share his glory with anything else.

It’s your best investment

Matthew 6:19

Everything you give will be remembered and rewarded for all eternity. Store your treasures in heaven.

How Much?


Paul stresses the abundant nature of God’s giving toward us so that we may give abundantly in response. God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all time, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. The Old Testament commanded a tithe (10% of income). The New Testament is far more radical – we are to be generous givers of all we have. Some will give far more than 10% of their income, others less.


Each person should give when they have decided in their heart to give. We need to think carefully about what resources we have been given, what our responsibilities are and how we can give money in the most effective way.


God loves a cheerful giver. It’s easy to give for the wrong reasons – to relieve our guilt, to avoid other avenues of Christian service, to be seen to be generous by others. Paul tells us that God loves a joyful and big-hearted response to all that He has lavished on us.

If you would like to contribute towards the work at Southern Cross Church, please use our banking details below:

Southern Cross Church
Standard Bank
Account: 072 104 791
Branch: 02 56 09 – Blue Route